Thursday, February 19, 2009

About Islam, Christian and Love

I just remember my husband once said to me in the boat ride from Sandakan jetty to Sukau in 2005 that Islam (Muhammad) PBUH doesn't promote love or talk about love as much as Christian (Jesus Christ) does. He said, he hadrly hear Muslim that he knows talk about love or show love. That is an interesting oobservation I thought. I remember feeling a little bit offended by the fact that I am a Muslim. I will write more on this topic when I get feedback and respond from the reader or people I talk to on this topic. I must have talk to some of my close friends but I cannot remember what they have said now. Then I didnt think I should write it down, but it keep coming back to my mind.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Puppet Player

A friend said to me that I was a Puppet Player. I was not quick to grasp what he meant nor do I remember what I did in the past that connect me as being a puppet player. If I am a player, who were those puppet? I am not sure those people who have passed-crossed my path life would be happy to be called puppet. But he said he is a happy puppet !

After a while I tend to remember what he mean by that. He was referring to the past. I am not a puppet player anymore if that is the case before I told him. Interesting how friend or foe judge you then but not telling. Only told you now. And I laugh at it. I don't feel or take it as an insult. Rather a compliment . . .

Monday, February 16, 2009

Starting Point

From this point on I better keep all my thoughts, what I have witness, my experience and that of others thoughts and experiences, in this blog aka diary. Have long been overdue. Have intended to create my own blog, intended to write, but have been delaying it for much too long. The starting point is an email my husband's ex wife send to him, intended to be send to me, but she is too shy, nonetheless she passed some remarks that I was too rude and too 'uncivilized' that she said I am not worthy of her time be spoken to. I feel sorry for my husband for having to put up with an unstable state of mind of his ex wife. Maybe in my next post I will get an extraction of her email from my husband mailbox.... maybe Now I have to go to show my maid how to make a delicious oat porridge with prawn. Great for breaking fast !